MATH 318: Operations Research

Spring 2023

Assignment 6

Due: Monday, April 3

READ: Hillier & Lieberman: Chapter 5, Section 3

              Hillier & Lieberman: Chapter 6, Sections 3 -4.

PROBLEMS:  Write up clear and complete solutions for the following problems from Hillier and Lieberman:

            •    5.3-1

            •    5.3 – 10

            •    6.3 – 5

            •    6.3 – 8

•    6.4 -1


 I         Consider the following mathematical programming problem

            Minimize z = | 2 x1 – 3 x2 |

            Subject to

                        x1  + x2  ≤ 5

                        - x1 + x2  ≥1

                        x1, x2  ≥  0

            (a)       Solve the problem graphically. (Hint: graph the feasible region, and start by looking for level curves of 2 x1 – 3 x2.

            (b)       Formulate a linear program that could be used to solve the problem. Use software to solve your LP and show how to reconstruct a solution to the original problem.